Certificates and Notices
Form 9 - Certificate of Substantial Performance
Certificate of Substantial Performance of the Contract Under Section 32 of the Act (Construction Act)
Where the Premises is Situated
City Of Ottawa
Where the Premises is Located
The Ottawa Hospital - General Campus, 501 Smyth Rd. & Civic Campus, 1053 Carling Ave.
This is to certify that the contract for the following improvement
Food Services - kitchen and cold room improvements
To the above premises was substantially performed on
Date Certificate Signed
Name of Owner
The Ottawa Hospital
Mailing Address of Owner
1053 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9
Name of Contractor
Terlin Construction Ltd.
Mailing Address of Contractor
1240 Teron Road, Ottawa ON K2K 2B5
Name of Payment Certifier
CIMA Canada Inc.
Mailing Address of Payment Certifier
600-1400 Blair Towers Place, Ottawa, ON K1J9B8
A. Identification of premises for preservation of liens
The Ottawa Hospital - General Campus
501 Smyth Rd
Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6
The Ottawa Hospital - Civic Campus
1053 Carling Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9
Form 9 - Certificate of Substantial Performance - Fully Executed.pdf [1.1 MB]
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