Certificates and Notices
Form 9 - Certificate of Substantial Performance
Certificate of Substantial Performance of the Contract Under Section 32 of the Act (Construction Act)
Where the Premises is Situated
County of Frontenac, City of Kingston
Where the Premises is Located
836 John Marks Ave, Kingston, Ontario
This is to certify that the contract for the following improvement
New Medical Imaging Building
To the above premises was substantially performed on
Date Certificate Signed
Name of Owner
2866035 Ontario Limited
Mailing Address of Owner
776 Blackburn Mews East, Kingston, Ontario, K7P 2N7
Name of Contractor
Clermont Group Inc.
Mailing Address of Contractor
1391 Midland Ave, Kingston, Ontario, K7P 2W5
A. Identification of premises for preservation of liens
Lot 12, Plan 13M126 together with an undivided common interest in Frontenac Common Elements Condominium Plan No. 80: subject to an easement in gross as in FC261094: City of Kingston
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