Certificates and Notices
Form 9 - Certificate of Substantial Performance
Certificate of Substantial Performance of the Contract Under Section 32 of the Act (Construction Act)
Where the Premises is Situated
City of Belleville
Where the Premises is Located
275 Farley Avenue, Belleville, Ontario
This is to certify that the contract for the following improvement
Eastside Secondary School - Phase 2 Renovations
To the above premises was substantially performed on
Date Certificate Signed
Name of Owner
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board
Mailing Address of Owner
156 Ann Street, Belleville, Ontario K8N 3L3
Name of Contractor
David J. Cupido Construction Limited
Mailing Address of Contractor
4-620 Cataraqui Woods Drive, Kingston, Ontario K7P 1T8
Name of Payment Certifier
Barry Bryan Associates
Mailing Address of Payment Certifier
201-250 Water Street, Whitby, Ontario L1N 0G5
B. Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board, 156 Ann St, Belleville, ON K8N 3L3
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