Certificates and Notices
Form 9 - Certificate of Substantial Performance
Certificate of Substantial Performance of the Contract Under Section 32 of the Act (Construction Act)
Where the Premises is Situated
North Bay
Where the Premises is Located
North Bay Diesel Shop , 915 McIntyre St E, North Bay, ON
This is to certify that the contract for the following improvement
The Building Envelope Remediation Project Various Change Orders (26, 30-32,34,36,40-42)
To the above premises was substantially performed on
Date Certificate Signed
Name of Owner
Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
Mailing Address of Owner
555 Oak Street East, North Bay, ON P1B 8L3
Name of Contractor
M. Sullivan & Son Limited
Mailing Address of Contractor
236 Madawaska Blvd, Suite 100, Arnprior, ON K7S 0A3
B. Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien
Legal Department c/o Ontario Northland, 555 Oak Street East, North Bay, ON P1B 8L3 Attn: Jonathan Boese
Form 6 ONTC All signed for SC #2.pdf [372.9 KB]
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