Certificates and Notices
Notice of Termination
Name of owner, contractor or other person whose lien is subject to expiry
Adam Belfield and Emma Ballantyne
Description of the premises
Detatched home - 27 Kimberley Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4E2Z3
Certificate Date
Identification of premises for preservation of liens (if a lien attaches to the premises, a legal description of the premises, including all property identifier numbers and addresses for the premises):
27 Kimberley Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4E2Z3
The contract with (name of contractor or subcontractor)
2675512 Ontario Ltd. o/a SRKB Build, Bonnie Marrow and Mark Marrow
Terminated On
Signed Notice
Notice of Termination - SRKB Build - 27 Kimberley.pdf [39.6 KB]
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