Certificates and Notices
Form 10 - Certificate of Completion of Subcontract
Under subsection 33(1) of the Construction Act
This is to certify the completion of a subcontract for the supply of services or materials between
Taggart Construction Limited
Ron Eastern Construction Limited
The subcontract provided for the supply of the following services or materials
Excavation and site services
To the following improvement
Construction of a new apartment building
Of premises at
163 Parkdale, Ottawa ON
Date of Certification
Name of Owner
Richcraft Highrise Rental Limited Partnership
Mailing Address of Owner
2280 St. Laurent Blvd, Suite 201, Ottawa, ON K1G 4K1
Name of Contractor
Ron Eastern Construction Ltd.
Mailing address for Contractor
1801 Woodward Drive, Ottawa, ON K2C 0R3
A. Identification of premises for preservation of liens
Lot, 9, 10 and 11 (East Parkdale Ave.) Plan 35, being part 1 on plan 4R-26272: City of Ottawa PIN 04096-0235 (LT)
230802 - 163 Parkdale - Taggart Form 10 Signed.pdf [61.7 KB]
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